Thursday, October 4, 2007

Dogs on Thursday

Fred's needing some love, so here's a shot I adore. It was taken two summers ago, at work. That's the Knight on the left, and a baby Shadow in the bottom. We were up into the wee hours of the morning, at the emergency vet. They were afraid it was bloat, but we were sure it wasn't. The good news is it wasn't bloat. The bad news is, we don't know why that lump of food is at the top of his stomach, not digesting.
He's miserable, so much so for those of you who know him, that he's not fussing. It broke my heart to leave him at home, but Shadow frets him so. Once my mother inlaw arrives from her doctor's appointment this morning, I'll go home, load up Fredders, and take him to our Dr. Nancy.
Of course, all of this is going on while Mugsy's allergies rage on.
Sadly, we're not alone. Other friends have pet and personal medical issues, and Amanda has had a very sudden, tragic loss. Sending prayers and good vibes out to all of you...
I'll keep you posted on Fred. Tomorrow's Mugsy's 12th birthday too, so I guess this blog has gone to the dogs.


Dorothy said...

Poor puppy! Scratch him behind the ears for me!

Nancy @ the Jersey Shore said...

Hope Fred's gonna be OK. Let us know. Happy #12 to Muggsy!

Sue J. said...

Thank the Lord it isn't bloat. What a darling picture of the Knight and Fred. I'll be praying for his speedy recovery.

Bubblesknits said...

Poor Fred! Sending happy doggy thoughts his way. Hopefully it's something easy to fix!

Hugs to both of you!

Lapdog Creations said...

Poor baby ... give Fred some extra loving from our home... and we will keep him in our thoughts & prayers on this!

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Poor Fred :( I hope the vet can figure out what's going on! Sending good thoughts your way!!!

Happy birthday to Mugsy :)

Barbara B. Solbrig said...

Being the owner of two bassets myself, I can totally understand the "getting into stuff they shouldn't" problem. Thank goodness for excellent vets! Good luck and best wishes!

Andree said...

That sounds awful painful.
I found you today; sorry I am so late!