Saturday, July 7, 2007

Wanna Swap?

And in other swap news, Cass is wondering if you're interested in a vegan swap. You don't have to be vegan or allergic to animal fibers/products to sign up, just willing to participate in a vegan swap. Swing by and check it out. I love playing with new fibers and discovering new products, and I'm betting a lot of you do too!

Also, swing by K1, T2 and let us - Devon in particular - know how you like your tea. It's a contest, open until July 20th. As for me, I like mine straight up. Hot, cold, tepid, it's all good. I do like a bit of Splenda and cream in hot, black teas though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am SO PSYCHED about the tea swap!!! :) YAY!

And thanks for the plug! :)xoxo