Only because Amanda is awesome, and she wanted to see the shrug made in her yarn... Y'all know I'm not apt to win any photography awards. The Knight rushed off to the firehouse, because he has crew AND bingo duty tonight, and his good friend was there "opening" alone, so I was stuck trying to get a photo by myself, of myself. I tried outside, but it just wasn't happening. I think between the three, you get the idea. I lurvers it, and will be wearing it as soon as Mary reclaims her oppressive, unseasonable heatwave. I'm quite certain even my mother inlaw could snap a shot that would do the shrug, the yarn and me more justice, so keep checking back for a "real" photo. Gals of all sizes, this is the shrug pattern for you. Adjust the gauge a bit either way, and you can make this shrug fit your frame. I am exceptionally pleased with the way the perfect yarn and pattern met in this little semi-garment!
In other knitting news, in the precious few minutes the Knight did spend sitting in his recliner checking email, I *FINALLY* finished the first Tofutsie's August sock of the month, in the featured pattern Summer Daze. It's my first toe-upper, and I'm in love. See the ruffly little cuff?! How cute is that?! And the colorway is as close to true as I've seen anywhere online. There's some of everything in there, even orange.
It fits like a dream. (I swear my calves are not small tree trunks. Hagrid is not a part
of my family tree! I actually rotated the photo 180 degrees, so maybe?!? Yeah. Let's blame it on that.) Some have fussed about the pooling in this colorway, with this pattern, but I don't mind at all. It's a cheery, busy, comfy sock, and I might just ignore Anne's bag this week and see if I can't churn out the mate in time to wear it before we get another tropical heat wave. I can't wait to try more of Deby's patterns, especially her yet to be released shawl pattern, done in Tofutsies yarn.

The good news is my October Tofutsies Sock Club yarn shipped out on Friday, so it should be here tomorrow. It's a green and black colorway, so I'm excited! Of course, I still have several balls of Tofutsies in the stash...
PS - Any spots on the mirror or other visible grime must be forgiven. I had to use the Knight's bathroom, as mine would have had echoes back and forth from the two mirrors, and I think y'all know why he didn't care to clean his bathroom this past weekend.
Beautiful shrug! That yarn really worked out well, I'm so glad!
Your socks look great, too. You've been a busy knitter!
I lurves that shrug too, it's "seriously" gawjus. Great socks too.
Ooooh, nice stuff! I love the shrug. Socks, too. I have yet to use Tofutsie. Do you like it? Glad things are progressing as well as can be expected.
Absolutely gorgous darling! Just gorgous! Where did you get the pattern for the shrug?
Love it!!!!! The yarn is beautiful for the shrug!
Oh the shrug is beautiful!!! I love it! Of course, the sock is pretty too. But I am in luv with the shrug! ;-)
Great job on the shrug, It Bee-U-tee-ful!!! Love the color too :) yes ma'am I After today you can have the coolness I froze al day long! I could've used that shrug.
Love the sock, got sockies on now, big furry black Not good with white dog hair! Hope you can get the mate to your sock done:)
Cahn - glad you are able to get back to knitting and I'm always amazed how 'inconsiderate' people can be. Had you lost a 2-legged child, nobody would be asking if you were going to get another one!
Anyway - I see all these sock clubs all over the internet and I don't know how people find them and how you join. I want to play! Can you 'hook me up?' (Sounds like I'm trying to get illegal drugs or something!) g
The shrug looks beautiful on you. Those socks are great. So is toe up the way to go? As soon as I finish Jason's that is what I am going to do for myself.
Your shrug looks beautiful! And I love the sock; the ruffly cuff is very cute :)
Wonderful Shrug. The sock colors are awesome. Seems I find myself using that word alot. Could come from the fact that I am an eighties child. LOL I keep meaning to tell you I am sorry to hear about Fred. Hugs to you.
Great shrug. Fine photos. Beautiful sock.
Beautiful! I love it.. I'll have to make a shrug I think !...:-) Very very nice.. I love the color... :-)
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