Paula has created an institution. Fred and Mugsy are pretty excited about it. My evening was very full last night - worked all day, drove to DC and back home - so I missed my first opportunity, but humor me, okay? My boys knew I was worn out when I got home, and just smothered me with puppy love. They deserve their moment, even if it is belated!
So, some dog shots you haven't seen before:

That's Fred and Shadow II. Shadow is the second sable sheltie Mark's grandfather has owned, and so, Pop used the same name. This picture was taken two years ago, but Fred doesn't come to the shop with me much anymore, because Shadow *STILL* insists upson licking Fred *IN* the mouth. My patient old man just walks away and counts on me to make the brat stop. That's why he's my hooey hound!
This is Farmer Mugsy. (And "Dadaw" as the dogs call him, but he's not a willing subject.) Yep. He likes to ride the tractor. He won't approach a running vehicle of any sort, but if Mark cuts the tractor off and reaches down, Mugsy climbs the steps and up he goes! The black box is his collar for the invisible fence, and it comes off once Mugsy is safely in Mark's lap. They're both very content and happy, in case you can't tell.
Fred likes to be photographed, but Mugsy isn't always a willing subject. (Gets that from his father, I suppose.) I suspect you'll also see the other dogs in our lives too, as the weeks go on. We're all about dogs, kind of like Pedigree.
My girls LOVED the pictures of your babies!!!
I'm trying to talk the hubby into letting me have a boston terrier. Maybe I should give all y'all his email address and have you start sending him cute B.T. pics. LOL
Great pics! I love dogs!
Oh so cute! I love pictures of your babies!
Sweet babes!
Aw, that's a cute picture of Muggy. I maintain I took the most 'mugsy' picture of the lil bugger ev3r haha.
Great pic's of your boys!! Cute as always.
Great pictures of your guys! I love the one of Mugsy.
Safe Travels!
Oh, your fur boys are so sweet.
That is so great that Mugsy will ride in a tractor.
Elise is scared of all loud, noisy vibrating things.
I am so happy about the Dogs on Thursday. Thank you so much for participating.
By the way how do you like the invisible fence? We were thinking of getting one for Elise. I am hesitant because Elise's Beagle friend that live next door has one and when he sees a squirrel or rabbit the fence doesn't stop him and he runs very quickly over it.
But it works wonderful for our friends who have two golden retrievers down the road.
Do you think it may just depend on the type of dog?
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