Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happy Birthday, Anne!

Can't find a great picture of her at this hour, but pop over to the birthday girl's blog for a great glance at the life and hairstyles of Anne by her sister. Do wish Anne a happy birthday while you're there!
Instead, I'll give you Anne, her mom and the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Happy birthday, my friend. Oh, and folks? Send her some extra good vibes, prayers, etc. The poor woman is having a root canal today. How much does that suck?
Mugsy sends you snuggles, licks and even a cherished tennis ball. Somewhere on the other side of the Bridge, Fred sends Arrrhooos.


Anonymous said...

Geeze, craptastic pics all over the web now :p lol. Thank you dear one - you're an amazing friend. I maintain it is not my fault you people don't understand the 80s hair.!! :p


sophanne said...

Arrrrhhooooo back at you Fred!