Meet the crup. (For those void of Rowlinguistics, that's a Jack Russell Terrier with magical talents.) He's a reluctant model, but he loves his warm, handsome sweater. It's a slightly modified Lion Brand pattern, as in his old age, he's gotten a little chubby. (Round is a shape, thank you. He's still plenty active and fit.) This was my first "it has seams" effort. Luckily, it only had four, short little seamed parts, and it's not like he cares how they look.
(Hooray for me! I just figured out how to put the photos where I want them!) This is another Lion Brand pattern, the felted needle case. It's lovely, and was my first felted project, as I didn't believe I could manage a felted bag. The Bag Lady insisted, and I found a pattern with my name in it, so there was no choice but to give knitting in the round and felted bags a chance.
Introducing the Chan bag. It's done in Noro Kureyon, which is wonderful for its self striping, but the texture was weird and the thick to thin and back again was annoying. It was all worth it to have a tiny little bag that matched my outfit, held my keys, phone and credit card, and rested happily (and out of the way) in my lap, under my napkin through dinner and a speaker.

And last, but hardly least, is my Booga bag, done in Noro Kureyon, colorway 102. I thought it was going to be a knitting bag, but it's not big enough for the baby blankets I'm doing now. It's a great bag for general use though, and I will probably use it as a purse in the fall, when wool seems more appropriate again.
There's one pink baby blanket done too, but there is no photo yet. One will have to happen soon, as little Helen came a few days early (last Wednesday, before blankie was done) so it must go off to be a useful little pink blankie soon.
Happy now Bag Lady? Mugsy (the crup) isn't. I must go sit on the sofa, hold him, and knit. But first, treat time.
Woohoo! Awesome photos :) I really do like your booga bag - I'll have to get mine felted soon, in case I don't have a washer for a bit :o
Was your needle case 1 yarn or many? I love the colors in that too :D
Whee welcome to blogville!!!
Yes, do felt your Booga! Given the cold snap we're having for the first full day of spring, I am still carrying mine. And *WHEN* we take up socks, Boogas would be sized about right for a sock and its yarn to travel within.
The needle case was 6 or 7 different yarns. You'll need to create an account at Lion, and then you can search patterns. I can send you the pattern number. It was fun, learning to change colors... If you continue to be a good girl, perhaps Mugsy and Fred will knit one up for you. If you'd rather have the colors in a different order (say, not so much pink and more blue or teal?), let me know so I can help them get started! ;)
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