Sock it to Me contest, away!
My favorite yarn(s). Sigh. Well, that's easy-peasy... The Wick I gushed about for Cass's contest is right up there, even without the vegan limitations. I just love the stuff, and will knit more with it very soon. It's a bit bulky for daily wear socks, and I truly am
For socks, I haven't really knit enough to have a favorite. In fact, I haven't knit with the same yarn twice.
I must have a soy thing, because I also can't get enough of SWS! To date, I've only knitted up my trusty Sidekick in it, but there will be more. Like Wick, it is a bit splitty, but I got the hang of knitting with it quickly. I have more on hand to make another felted bag for fall, so stay tuned... It felts VERY QUICKLY. For me, that's a plus, but if you're using it for the first time, I can't emphasize enough that you must check it every couple of minutes, or you'll end up with a wee tiny version of whatever you were trying to make.
Can you help a fellow knitter/blogger out? She wants to reach 50 comments for her 1st Bloggiversary contest, so pop over and tell her I sent you, okay?
I'll have to try that Wick. You've got me convinced that I need it, much to Big Daddy's chagrin!
I love the soy wool goodness too. Thanks for letting us know about the felting. I finished getting the very last item for your VVS swap box of goodies yesterday while playing tour guide for an out-of-town guest. Now to just get it packed up and to the post office...
Oops! Looks like I gave myself away. I was supposed to hit the "anonymous" button and I knew as soon as I did it. I'm sorry. But you still have a great surprise box to look forward to!
I left on comment on Jacqueline's blog, and told her you sent me!
So.. I have some Wick.. Buried somewhere or another in my stash. What size needles does that knit up on? I was pondering some lil ankle socks. Assuming I ever do socks again :p
I bought Wick on my yarn crawl to Maine last month but haven't had time to cast it on yet...
Thanks for the SWS felting tip! Love that bag!
Can't beleive I missed the Tea Swap but maybe I have enough to do for right now. I'm lurking to get ideas for your Fall Felted Bag Swap package and have a few ideas but may be "bugging" you for a few more details. I also wish you could send some rain my way but then, that is what Fall is for, no?
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