Thursday, August 30, 2007

Name Game and More

My dear Anne is having a contest regarding her first pattern. I'm going to re-arrange my knitting agenda for the long weekend and whip out a cloth, because I love the research and curiousity that were behind the pattern and the contest. I have some names in mind too, and given a recent email among several friends, I'm shocked some of us aren't banned from participating! ;)

Also, Amy still has a spot or two on her Pay it Forward list. I'm looking forward to knitting a surprise for her, and for Wendy and Nichole. More motivation to keep my swapping in check, so I can "spoil" my friends as they so richly deserve.

My skinny, short sock has a home! The always kind Amanda will finally have her own pair of hand-knitted socks. I am honored to make them for her, and I'm delighted that the pretty pattern and colorway will have a happy home.


Bubblesknits said...

We could have our first "Tantric" dishcloth...there's an email coming with the rest of that. hehehe ;-)

Lapdog Creations said...

Thanks for motivating me to do Pay It Forward too... now to decide just what to make to spoil my (so far 2 - 1 spot still open) takers!